eric multiple vanishing points
uuav I just found back this place. I annotated the map this time.
🧨 小虾子舔舔退去的虾皮 有的水草疯长 有的水草漂浮 我困的不行倒在沙发上又闭不上眼 只能感觉的血液在身体里很慢很慢的流动 暴躁的雪花炸开 又变成温热的水流回我们手里 攥紧
🪱 大口大口的 我吞着石头
eric mary watched two angels in the courtyard
eric notepad_pg34.txt - 11/03/2019  excerpts
the ghost image of the past is that of a vapor trail in the sky that continues to persist with the setting of the sun

i can only imagine its eventual dissipation

the initial sound was thunderous but there is only silence to accompany the suspended cadaver
eric notepad_pg35.txt - 11/03/2019
failure is not an event, but several processes occurring all at once
all at once over a period of time
a period of time that stretches onward into the indefinite future
until it doesn't anymore
eric forced to spend time in a mirage
so much life as a dead thing
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