廖宝🐠 Every night when you fall asleep and when I try to fall asleep, the fish tank sound comforts me. Streams are never so accessible to me. Thinking about our eels cuddling in that soft water grass, then i can get some rest.
eric something becomes ancient and turns into a part of a landscape from an expression of a language
eric a vapor trailing in the sky that continues to persist with the setting of the sun
廖宝宝 今天很高兴,太阳也很好,爬山虎也很好。一切都是绿的,橙的。真好,爱你
eric tracing my eyes around every other thing that comes into view
eric that might be a me thing
eric gradually waking up a stranger over the course of time with a clarity that doesn't exist to be described
eric language seems to escape me more and more
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