ericthe slow movement of the axis of a spinning body around another axis due to a torque the action of leaving something previously occupied taking place within the mind of the subject and having no effect outside of it -- i believe escape has passed away in its sleep and nothing else is wanted other than the immensity of an empty time
jbthreadbare security blanket
ericlets do that soon
jbhad a dream eric and lined up our bikes at the edge of steep desert mountain. we both had on masks and the sun was pouring out its last flares of the day on our backs. we counted down and barreled down the slope in dust and dirt. everything rattled and blurred and suddenly ended as if my brain or nature forgot to finish it. we were suspended for a minute before slowly floating away into an incomplete void. the sunset the tailed us reflected off the nothingness in front of us. that’s all I remember.
333Enduring pain to feel the absence of pain
ericlooping without loss, a room firmly planted just above everything with wind below, you are the hallway
jbIf I’ve loved you for a minute I’ll love you forever - a Scorpio truism